Research Lines

  • Research acitvities on general pathology and pathological anatomy (veterinary and comparative oncology, wild animals pathology, neuropathology, neuro-muscular pathology in domestic and captive mammals and dermatopathology of domestic animals)
  • Immunohistochemical characterization, development of classification criteria, evaluation of malignancy markers and their possible prognostic and therapeutic implications of breast neoplasms, melanomas and soft tissue tumours
  • Study of spontaneous viral, bacterila and parasitic pathologies of hare, wild boar and wild ruminants, living both in protected areas and in the free territory of the Tuscany region
  • Histopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of skin diseases in dogs and cats, mainly dealing with immune-mediated diseases, such as allergic dermatitis, and to infectious and neoplastic diseases
  • Study of inflammatory, degenerative, metabolic and neoplastic pathologies affecting the central and peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle tissue of dogs, cats, horses and domestic ruminants

Academic Staff

Prof.ssa Francesca Abramo

Prof. Carlo Cantile

Prof.ssa Francesca Millanta

Prof. Alessandro Poli